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Showing posts from January, 2023

Nuitrition in plants

Nuitrition in plants Nutrition is an essential part of life for all living organisms. Autotrophs and heterotrophs obtain their nutrition in different ways. Autotrophs, such as plants, obtain their nutrition by photosynthesis, while heterotrophs, such as animals, must consume other organisms to obtain their nutrients. Photosynthesis is the process in which plants use light energy from the sun to turn carbon dioxide and water into glucose and oxygen. This process provides the necessary energy for plants to grow and thrive. Heterotrophic organisms rely on other sources of nutrition such as other plants or animals to get the nutrients they need to survive. Both autotrophic and heterotrophic modes of nutrition are essential for sustaining life on Earth. Types of nutrition Nutrition is the process of obtaining energy and essential nutrients from food. It is an important factor in the growth and development of living organisms. Nutrition can be divided into two main types: autotrophic...

Stars and The Solar system

 Stars and The Solar system Introduction Vast Space Filled With Stars Where ever we see above to the sky a vast majority seems empty and in this space are dwindling natural bodies this unimaginable space is called universe.  Sun and Family  Or The vast unimaginable space which e  e ncompasses most distant stars, planets  a nd anything else, which exists is called  universe and the science which deals with it is called astronomy so we can say astronomy is the the study of universe. Galaxy When we see in the night sky we see little bright light points commonly called stars but what we see are not all stars but there are  planets ,satellites meteors etc too. During the day-time, we see a bright  b all of fire in the sky which appears to move from the east to the west. We call it the sun. At night, we see thousands of stars in the  sky. If we watch the sky through a telescope we may see millions of stars, some of which are brightly colo...